Bridging creative technology and immersive storytelling

Portfolio site for Eric Dunstan Christopher Schubert
About Me
Writer—Designer—Creative Technologist—Strategist—Communicator—Futurist—Researcher—World Builder—Poet—Filmmaker
Augmented Reality  Blender  C#  Cinema 4D  DepthKit  Drone Photography  Generative AI  GLSL  Lens Studio  Mixed Reality  Motion Graphics  P5JS  Photogrammetry Physical Computing  Premiere Pro  Processing   OBS  RunwayML  Shaders  TouchDesigner  Video Editing  Virtual Reality  Volumetric Capture  Unity   


Named after Memex, Vannevar Bush’s 1939 proposal for an electromechanical information storage and retrieval devce, MOMEX is a speculative interface for storing, replaying, and sharing momes—moments and memories crafted into 3D augmented reality.

Many of the experiences designed today for augmented and mixed reality rely on spectacle—whether for gaming or entertainment—or perform a didactic function as enhanced wall text for exhibitions or for wayfinding through public spaces. In contrast, this project illustrates holistic mixed-reality interventions that engage us in emotional and psychological ways, whether for healing or for forging deeper connections with digital worlds and the people that inhabit them.

Like natural memories in the brain, momes might be functional: instructional details or steps in a process, such as the recall of a recipe or a workout. They might be mnemonic images that remind us of personal or cultural rituals or they might be diaries of the self. Or momes might be extended emotional narratives that enable the recollection of cherished moments or the processing of difficult or traumatic experiences. 
The story of mOMEX
(a MOMEX client seeks treatment from his apothecARy to deal with sleepless nights after a breakup.)

MOMeX experience: Letting Go
Viewed through the meta quest 3

Unity, Shaders, C#, Cinema 4D, Blender, Photogrammetry, Drone Photography, Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Volumetric Capture, DepthKit, RunwayML
Sample MOMES